A Student's Blog: The Wolf-pack !! \m/

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Thursday, 16 January 2014

The Wolf-pack !! \m/

Hi there to all the amazing people out there! Just finished my chunk of holidays and i am live again...

Sometimes the bar of frustration gets so high that we all try to find an escape from life. We run for peace, for silence, becomes self-obsessed and introvert. We conceal so much that we completely forget that its not very difficult to get relieved...that a life line is always present...

I face the same problems as all of you and have the same life line... My Friends...The Wolf-pack...who can say the most disgusting thing in the most humorous manner, recite the most hackneyed statement in the most astonishing manner and transform the most monotonous moments into the most exciting memories... 

#Metheawesomist #Surajtheguitarist #Areetthehandsomehunk #Naveentheshuttler #Laluthemuma'sboy

Thank you guys for being their in my lows and highs, you people are the best! This post is dedicated to you all. 


  1. it was an honour to serve u pissingly !! :P ........ and make ur life from bitching soreness to godly happy ever after !! :D ........... all hail the monkey king (who is currently ruling the wolves and i have no idea how that happened !! ;) ) ..... :P :D

  2. Good one dude.. Glad to have u in my life.. BFF !

    www.techbuzzmania.blogspot. in

  3. Dude nice... but meri kyun le raki hai...!!!!! :'(
    Anyway its fun n masti when u r around :)

    1. Teri kahaan mari yaar...its actually good to be muma's boy ;)

  4. Glad you have such a solid and robust lifeline, Asish! :)

  5. Nice click....
    Good to see you happy....Long live The Wolf - pack.....
    Hmmmm......As you said...I like the one who is at the left...

  6. hahhahhah isnt dat wat frnds are forr :) .. YOu seem to call them teh "wolf pack" with lot of fondness :)
