A Student's Blog: The College Life...

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Sunday, 27 April 2014

The College Life...

We sat in a corner recollecting memories of school...
Reminiscing the moments when we thought we were so cool.
We wondered if at all we would get friends like those...
Who mesmerized us with their smile and became so close.
This totally new world was cutting us all like a knife...
But we kept on jotting notes on the first day of our college life.
Finally when the feeling became unbearable and enormous...
We looked up to see them already gazing at us.
They were the strangers we never encountered earlier...
But in some corner of our hearts they looked familiar.
Their eyes were friendly and warm...
And face had an affectionate charm.
They smiled and we felt our insides lighter...
We smiled in return and our face turned a lot brighter.

A year passed by and we hardly spoke...
But the smile remained constant and a bonding evoke.
We couldn't muster enough strength to converse...
And then we went out for a trip which eliminated the fuss.
A simple hello was added to the ever pleasing smile...
This evolved into never ending talks and chats in a while.

Another year past and the bonding grew stronger...
We started partying together to spend time longer.
We laughed and made fun of each other sitting in large groups...
And ignored people who thought we were all crooked.
We even argued and fought for simple matters...
And tried not speaking to one another for many hours.
But at the end of the day when anger dissolved...
A simple sorry and every differences resolved. 

Time flew by before we could ever realize...
And here we are counting the final days of college life.
The agony of saying good bye is overwhelming on mind...
Facing the hard world alone making us disoriented and disinclined.
There won’t be classes and never-ending lectures anymore...
Where we could lean down on each other’s shoulder and sleep some more.
There won’t be any ice cream treat in the evenings...
And you’ll have hard time finding someone to share your feelings.
These weird thoughts are making us mad...
All the way it felt happy and now in an instant it feels sad.
Still we remain hopeful to meet somewhere in future...
And even if not, our friendship will always be cherished and nurtured.
Hey cheer up and understand the hard truth of life...
Every beautiful thing ends but remains in our heart for a long while.

-- Ashish’s Poetry <3 


  1. What a pleasant way to expression your journey through CLG..of friendships cherished n hearts broken ..of laughter's n of sorrows ....
    Beautiful :)

  2. Thanks... I am glad you liked it :)
