A Student's Blog: Nothing Remains Constant And The Page Will Turn...

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Saturday, 3 May 2014

Nothing Remains Constant And The Page Will Turn...

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 46; the forty-sixth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
Many months inside her and finally the baby was born…
Her son was crying but she never felt so adorned.
Tears of happiness rolling down her eyes …
She looked at her beautiful son and thanked the skies.
She had no family and her husband was also gone…
He left her in agony but she survived all alone.
Till yesterday she felt that it's better to be dead…
And now she was ready to see the positives ahead.
She was happy and sure that everything would go well…
But her fate had totally different stories to tell.
This is Life, and she had many more lessons to learn…
Because nothing remains constant and the page will eventually turn.

Her education wasn't enough to get her any stunning vocation…
Meager wages and constant approach of men raised her bar of frustration.
 But she was a survivor and never stopped fighting…
Her baby boy was with her and that was abundantly inspiring.
She believed in facing her problem rather than just to run…
And remained hopeful that the page will eventually turn.

Couple of years passed and she continued to survive…
Each new day teaching her a different lesson of life.
She managed to find a better job and a place to stay…
And sent her son to a decent school to learn and play.
Time rolled on and prospects were looking better…
She became complacent and thought the worst was all over.
But life is harsh and she had few more lessons to learn…
Change remains constant and the page will eventually turn.

Few more years ahead she found tragedy yet again in life…
Her son was dyslexic and slow to read and write.
He was labelled retarded and sent out of the school…
But she believed in him and remained calm and cool.
She labored whole day and taught him in the night…
The boy studied harder but nothing worked out right.
They tried and tried but nothing happened…
He started losing self-confidence and his soul saddened.
She tried getting help but no one came forward…
Boy was losing hope and the mother was bothered.
Seeing the agony in his heart she felt awful…
But inside she still remained strong and hopeful.
She told her son that there’s one important thing to learn…
Life will give you miseries but the page will eventually turn.

Years later a handsome man sat on his desk…
Thinking about his mother who was now at rest.
He lost her few years back in the long journey of life…
But her will and words had sparked an insightful light.
Light that fueled his confidence and showed him his way…
Allowing him to follow what his heart says.
He pushed harder and pursued his passion…
To find his natural gift in literature and poems.
He became a writer so renowned and bold…
That his work was selling for silver and gold.
 Straining his nerves, deeper he thought …
Then opened the pen and something he wrote.
It was a verse dedicated to his mother…
Who remained his side and became his sole guide.
He titled the verse, the very important lesson he learnt…
“Nothing remains constant and the page will turn”

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Participation Count: 01


  1. Yes, the Page Turned for this child ... in many ways. Nicely expressed.

  2. Very nicely worded.. love the title

  3. Nothing remains constant and the page will turn. So true. Great writing.
